Pretext for Mass Murder
John Roosa
Not Available
From Rebellion to Riots
Jamie Seth Davidson
An Anarchy of Families
Alfred W McCoy
The Social World of Batavia
Jean Gelman Taylor
Amazons of the Huk Rebellion
Vina A Lanzona
Policing America's Empire
The Floracrats
Andrew Goss
The Burma Delta
Michael Adas
Revolution Interrupted
Tyrell Haberkorn
Thailand's Political Peasants
Andrew Walker
Voices from the Plain of Jars
Fred Branfman
The Government of Mistrust
Ken MacLean
Dreams of the Hmong Kingdom
Mai Na M Lee
Hamka's Great Story
James R Rush
Of Beggars and Buddhas
Katherine Ann Bowie
A Reckoning
Sharon W Chamberlain
In Plain Sight
Vietnam's Strategic Thinking During the Third Indochina War
Kosal Path
Eliciting Care
Bo Kyeong Seo
Everyday Economic Survival in Myanmar
Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung
Repossessing Shanland
Jane M Ferguson
Dynastic Democracy
Yoshinori Nishizaki
Electrifying Indonesia
Anto Mohsin
Forsaken Causes
Ryan WolfsonFord